In order to make sustainability a natural part of our processes and innovations, Van Woudenberg Tuinplanten has taken several steps.
Sustainability at all levels

Recycling plastics
Van Woudenberg Tuinplanten switched to the use of plastic pots made of recycled carbon-free material. In addition, there is a close cooperation with the key partners to put a closed loop recycling system in place.

Natural growth process and natural balance
Van Woudenberg Tuinplanten’s cultivation system clearly differentiates them from other companies. Plants are kept in open ground for a minimum of 1 year, before being transferred to a planter. This makes them less susceptible to deceases and less chemicals are used. Furthermore, the use of fewer chemicals has a positive effect on the natural balance. This benefits the many bees and butterfly plants grown by Van Woudenberg Tuinplanten. In addition, this longer growth process results in a reduced fall-out of plants and lower costs.
Recycling water
Van Woudenberg Tuinplanten collects the excess run-off water together with the rainwater in a buffer area lined with lava rocks and re-uses this water. A positive side effect is that the washed-out fertiliser is also re-used. Van Woudenberg Tuinplanten tries to be as self-sufficient as possible in terms of the use of water.

Fossil fuel
Woudenberg Tuinplanten does not use fossil fuels to heat their greenhouses but are using the residual heat of the adjacent tomato nursery to keep the greenhouses frost-free.
For the internal logistics Van Woudenberg Tuinplanten has switched to electric transport carts. In addition, they are investigating the possibilities for external logistics by rail.
Key Partners
Together with our key partners, we at Van Woudenberg Tuinplanten are leading the way in terms of making our quality products more sustainable. The traditional process of cultivation benefits this quality and determines our profitability.
The quality of our products is what makes us stand out!